
UI/UX + System Design + Consumer Research

How might a human-centered IxD research and design approach and position the ArtCenter library as a leader and enhance the relationship between faculty, students and librarians in the digital, physical, and hybrid space?

Art Center Summer 2021

Team : Leeann Wei, Skylar Lee, Monica Hwang



The ArtCenter library is a space that many students utilize not only physically but also digitally. However, as students are coming back to a physical learning space it is crucial that there are spaces for students to be able to utilize. The challenge presented to us was how do we get students to even engage with an outdated library that hasn't been touched since pre-pandemic. Through researching and interviewing we found the needs and goals of not just students but faculty as well. This led us to our design that we realized could combine not just a digital experience for convience but also a physical experience catered towards different students and different needs. 

Problem Statement

Service Receivers
Currently those who receive ArtCenter Library services who need to discover/find resources to effectively obtain reliable information can become lost and disappointed because of lack of space and need of help.
Service Providers
Currently those who provide services at the ArtCenter library who want to offer a multitude of services to all of ArtCenter to be able to utilize the library to the maximum potential can become confused and overwhelmed because of visitors lack of interests and awareness of provided services.

Project Canvas


Preliminary Research


Looking through other college libraries with these changing libraries it actually really informed us how behind the art center library is compared to those schools around us, the problem is that these schools are adding in new technology that makes things easier for both sides the librarians and the users, when that is one of the problems that users are facing right now.

Interview Insights

Key Questions Asked

Do libraries need more technology or more culture? 

How can library experience be enriched?

How important is the balance between making a library academic but also a social area?

Key Insights Learned

Students need a space that can be more casual instead of feeling like they are still in class.

Students feel like library is a boring place to be and there is nothing special about it beyond being an academic location.

Students need a way to be able to connect with library easier instead of never being able to know what there is to offer.

Behavioral Continuums



The 3 Key Components

Dot Kiosk

Collaboration Room

Dot Mobile App

Minimum Viable Product

Dot Kiosk for Students

Reserve a room

- collaboration room information
- make a reservation
- get on waitlist 
- check in and out of room
- select the used equipment
- ask librarian for help

Finding resources

- personalized class book information
- book stock & info
- recommended book
- book - check out
- ask librarian for help

Dot Kiosk for Librarians

Assistance to Students

- see the student’s information at a glance
- provide extra assistance for the first timer users
- check collaboration room problems
- see collaboration room waiting list, sanitize status, and students who are using a room

Dot Mobile

Book Locator

- using AR map to find book because books constantly change location 
- check book in and out

My Collaboration Room

- cancel or make a confirmation of the 
 collaboration room
- sharing virtual key
- collaboration room code

Usability Testing


Low Fi Testing

Key Insights 

-more signifiers
-thought they could automatically click the room to reserve a room that is why they tried to click there, but it did not work

-user thought that the book section would be easier if all books needed were listed first because some classes don’t even need books at all
-wanted to know if they could book a room and find a resource at the same session or if it was only possible to do 1 action at a time


Mid Fi Testing

Key Insights 

-check in & out button doesn’t look clickable
-overall kiosk design looks straight forward and clear
-instead of using barcode, we can utilize the RFID directly check in & out - since the library is “living organization” and that they change the location of the book often

-bold relevant information: confirmation
-current wait list in the reserve a room page have to highlighted or placed in more visible space

Key Features

Book Collaboration Room


Users can easily see all the information they will need in order to book a room through this screen. They can also pre-reserve a room and join the waitlist for a room. There will be availability information displayed.



Through connecting with Inside accounts all ArtCenter students will be able to easily find books that they might need for each class as well as receive recommendations for books that might interest the user based on learning patterns of what they usually read.
